Working at Elliot is a better way to practice medicine. Not only will you have a higher quality of life in New Hampshire, but you will have a better work life by practicing alongside a collaborative team in a physician-led hospital where doctors like it so much that they rarely leave. Elliot gives you the whole package of fulfilling work and satisfying lifestyle for your whole family.
Buying a home or condo is a major undertaking that requires a lot of research and thought on what you can afford, what is most appropriate for you now and during the years you expect to remain in a particular location, what town or city you want to live in, and many, many other personal factors. There are many resources for you in NH and here are some of our favorites:
New Hampshire is home to 13 schools ranked among the U.S. News Best High Schools in 2012, including 6 silver medal schools and 7 bronze medal schools. New Hampshire also offers many outstanding opportunities to continue your college education at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
NH colleges and universities that offer undergraduate and graduate degrees (in alphabetical order):
New Hampshire Private Education Opportunities – Non-Religious Private Schools:
NH Christian or Religious Private Schools
Of course, it is natural to think about the White Mountains and all things outdoors when thoughts turn to playing in New Hampshire. And yes, NH is a natural playground featuring mountains, rivers, ocean beaches, scenic highways and much more. That’s why we have millions visit NH each year from across the country and world! But New Hampshire also has a vibrant cultural community. You’ll find big name concerts, small intimate local summer theater, fabulous restaurants, tax-free shopping, and much more.
New Hampshire has lots to offer. With a major concert venue, The Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, and many smaller venues scattered throughout the state, music is vibrant and varied. Portsmouth NH offers an international film festival every fall; the Currier Museum in Manchester has special programs the first Thursday of every month.
Arts & Entertainment
Music & Concerts
There are major music venues in Manchester, Portsmouth and Hampton Beach and a large outdoor pavilion in Gilford. But, there is also plenty of live music in local bars, night clubs and small venues scattered in many cities and towns. Many venues and bands have their own websites and/or social media services that will keep you informed about what’s happening. We try to get you one step closer through this section. Be sure to check colleges, the websites for the towns or regions near you as well as the customized version of the NH event calendar- NH365
Latter day Saints
Congregationalist/United Church of Christ
“My family loves to ski, so moving to New Hampshire was a great choice for us. We easily travel to the mountains here in New Hampshire, or it is a short hop over to Maine or Vermont. We love it.”
“Our family fits in best in a suburban location, but we also love the proximity to Boston. We feel like we have the best of both worlds.”