3 Incredible Doctors to Follow on Twitter

Doctors to Follow in Twitter

Social media is now prevalent in almost every industry, and the healthcare sector is no different. Every minute, people take to Twitter to post amazing ideas, information, and strategies for those that work in healthcare. The only problem is, in this vast sea of voices, which ones stand out and offer the most valuable information? The following are three of the top doctors to follow on Twitter who post can’t miss information regularly.

1. Kevin Pho, M.D. – @KevinMD
Dr. Pho has been a social media guru now for over a decade, and is considered one of the top healthcare influencers on Twitter. He joined the social media platform in 2007, and has amassed more than 140,000 followers. Playing the role on Twitter of one of social media’s leading voices for physicians, Dr. Kevin is also an author, keynote speaker, and is on USA Today’s Board of Contributors.  

The Nashua, NH physician got his start on social media with his extremely popular blog KevinMD, where he shares stories and insights from many people who intersect with our healthcare system. Founded in 2004, over 2,000 people in the industry have contributed to the site, and it’s been raved about in reviews from such reputable sources as the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and CNN.

2. Michael Gibson, MD – @CMichaelGibson
With over 219,000 followers, Dr. Gibson is a shining star in the community way beyond social media. He’s the founder and Chairman of wikidoc.org (otherwise known as “the living textbook of medicine”) and is responsible for creating a free encyclopedia online of medical information. Dr. Gibson joined Twitter in 2012, and has been posting frequently ever since. From biotechnology, to information on new drugs, his Twitter feed is a treasure trove of modern medical data.  

Dr. Gibson is also a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and currently works as an interventional cardiologist in Boston, MA. He has also served as the medical lead in a partnership with Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo to help design classifying medical content for schema.org. In addition, Dr. Gibson has given countless radio and television interviews that are available online. In other words, he’s a very easy man to find.

3. Akram Boutros, MD – @Akram_Boutros
Dr. Boutros practices in Cleveland, OH and joined Twitter in 2009. He is the President and Chief Executive Officer for the MetroHealth System, where their mission is defined as: “Leading the way to a healthier you and a healthier community through service, teaching, discovery and teamwork.” In 2014, he was named as one of the “most interesting people,” by Cleveland Magazine, and is known for his positive rapport with the entire staff at MetroHealth.

Dr. Boutros has almost 3,000 followers and Tweets on a daily basis, with subjects that include: the healthcare system, mental illness, and anything related to the field of medicine. The Egyptian-born physician had always dreamed about being a doctor, and admits to seeing every interaction as a chance for encouragement (so you know he gives great advice)!

Overall, the people that you choose to follow in the medical industry can greatly impact your stream of information. Why fill up your news feed with fluff when you can use it as a brief learning opportunity?  

Finding these physicians online takes no time at all, and all three are amazing doctors to follow on Twitter. These doctors are pillars in both their online and offline communities, and it’s no mystery as to why. Engaging with Dr. Pho, Dr. Gibson, and Dr. Boutros can only help to elevate you in your own position, and further your knowledge in the industry.  

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